Adelaide Centacare slams Govt deaf ears on child detainee report The Centacare Catholic welfare agency has condemned the Federal Government for casting doubt on the integrity of a new report on children in detention. Catholic Health condemns 'indecent' budget Catholic Health Australia has described last night's Federal Budget as indecent, saying it ripped nearly $1 billion from public hospitals to put it into doctors' pockets. Catholic Welfare says Budget victimises Australia's working poor Catholic Welfare Australia is disappointed that the Federal Government’s obsessive focus on a Budget surplus ignores the plight of suffering Australians. Vatican paper condemns Saudi terror bombing The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano has called Monday's terrorist bombing in Saudi Arabia a "ferocious offense against peace". Congo killings raise fears of genocide Following an assault on a Catholic parish in the Democratic Republic of Congo that killed 48, the Vatican's Fides news service is reporting resident's fear of continuing massacres. Italian study fuels optimism for future of priesthood An Italian study has put a positive spin on the vocations crisis, highlighting a rise in the number of seminarians. OPINION Listening an vital skill for bishops While it is important to recognise that the Church is not a denicractm kistening and dialogue are necessary for a efficient leadership in the Church. - Fr Mark Francis, Superior General Chierici di San Viatore - Vidimus Dominum FEATURE Study finds newspapers fail on accuracy and context in religious stories A University of Rochester study reveals gaps in daily newspaper reporting on religion in America's newspapers. Religion pervades America's newspapers, but stories about religion rarely discuss its beliefs, values and practices. - crosswalk.com |
Nuns told to shape up