Frank Mikulka's

Weekly Fitness Tip

July 14, 2003

Make a commitment to health and fitness. Small steps—giant gains.

The weather is sunny and Long Island is vibrant and beautiful. However, if you feel like you are in the dark, turn on your inner light. Take a fitness walk at least three times a week. Start out with twenty minutes and increase your time. Make a commitment to a friend to make sure that you honor time and place.

Remember to wear proper gear like sneakers, not sandals or clogs. Take water along for adequate hydration and use common sense about changes in the weather like high heat or rain. Keep your eyes to the horizon, good spinal alignment and posture; hold those abdominals in to support your back.

For those who are more fit and seek to attain the next level, wear weights or for the ultimate—a weighted vest up to 40 lbs. Try hiking for a change of pace as well as to walk uphill.

Stay tuned for next week.

Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Sunday Morning from 10:30 to 11:00 AM on WLIE 540 in New York CityAM