Valentine's Day Workshop
I will be teaching a special Valentine's Day workshop Counting on Yourself to be Loved at Pathways Women's Health in Manhasset, Long Island on February 14, 2008 at 7:30PM.
For detailed information and registration information please visit Pathways Women's Health Website or call (516) 365-2784 for a Brochure and Registration Form.
Affirmation of the Week
Monogamy Does Not Mean Monotony
Weekly Wellness Radio Show
The Turn On your Inner Light Radio Show airs Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 7:30pm, on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island.
Guests of the Week - Peter Cole and Daisy Reese
This week's show: Jan 29, 2008 Show -Peter Cole, financial consultant / social worker and Daisy Reese, social worker, dynamic husband and wife team, authors of True Self, True Wealth. Learn about the psychological factors involved in good financial decision making.
Jan 22, 2008 Show - James Rapson and Craig English. James, a marriage and family therapist and Craig, an award winning writer and actor, close friends and collaborators on their book: Anxious to Please: 7 Revolutionary Practices for the Chronically Nice. It’s time to please your self.
Click archives for directory of past shows.
Health Tips of the Week
- Acupuncture cuts pain during surgery and reduces the need for pain medication. You start 30 minutes before the procedure and continue during.
- Recent research points out that too much folic acid might increase the risk of colon cancer. That’s scary since food manufacturers now add the vitamin to flour, pasta, cereals, and enriched grain products.
- Marijuana can relieve pain, but too strong a dosage can increase it.
- Menopausal women who exercise and take hormone replacement therapy apparently have a synergistic effect when it comes to protecting brain function.
- There is good evidence that colas can increase kidney problems.
- There is a safe and simple way to treat a child’s cold - seawater (sterilized). It has minerals and trace elements that help to restore the mucus lining of the nose.
- There’s another reason to eat broccoli; it helps your heart.
- High dosages of caffeine during pregnancy whether from coffee, hot chocolate, cola, etc raises the risk of miscarriage.
Article of the Week This Valentine’s Day Learn to Love Yourself
Valentine’s Day is almost here and many of us are highly stressed by this compulsory, scripted celebration of love. The script is quite daunting. If we don’t have a significant other, we are in a mad rush to find one for the occasion, like falling in love in record time. If we do have a significant other, we are dropping hints all over the place for a gift to brag to our friends. “Look what he bought me! He values me.”
On the one hand, you subtly or not so subtly demand a gift – flowers, chocolates, theatre tickets, lingerie or jewelry. When he gives you the gift, you know the rules; you will reciprocate with intimacy, your gift to him. If he forgets or doesn’t get you anything special, except for what he has on hand, like his office pens, then he will be sleeping on the couch. You will reason, “Obviously, he does not value me.” The message for him is learn the rules: Tit for tat, you give, I give, then you give and I give.
Is this what you really want? Payment for services rendered? Does a gift paid as a ransom demonstrate love?
The basic problem lies with a faulty premise. Valentine’s Day is not about him and the gifts he buys for you. The holiday is really all about you! more