My book is NOW available in Paperback Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life
My book Addicted to Stress (Publisher: Jossey-Bass - An imprint of John Wiley), has just been published in Paperback and is available at bookstores everywhere.
Stress will always land on your doorstep, but you don’t have to constantly open the door. It’s time to build immunity to external pressures and cultivate an inner peace which does not depend on outside influences. Shed that endless to-do list. Leave the straight lines of your personality to enjoy the surprising detours life has waiting for you.
FREE CD (Includes free shipping in USA)
To celebrate this event with my readers I am offering a free copy of my CD Meditations to Turn On Your Inner Light with each purchase of Addicted to Stress. A priceless gift for health and serenity – my meditation CD contains 5 original visualizations for life’s major stressors, especially anger and resentment. Now you can combine both approaches: Read my effective, easy to implement 7 Step program and listen to my soothing CD to unleash your natural, joyous energy to smile deeply within.
To receive your free Meditation CD e-mail me a copy of your proof of purchase of paperback edition of Addicted to Stress
Affirmation of the Week
Maintaining a high level of integrity is more empowering than pretending you know all the answers.
Weekly Wellness Radio Show
The Turn On your Inner Light Radio Show airs Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 7:30pm, on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island.
Feb 02, 2010 Show - Jill Spiegel, founder of a motivational firm called Goal Getters, featured on Oprah, the Today Show and People Magazine, is the author of How to Talk to Anyone About Anything! You won’t be a wall flower anymore.
Jan 26, 2008 Show - Alice Wood, an estate planning attorney who founded Wealth Watcher’s International, is the author of Wealth Watchers. It’s time to learn how to spend less and save more.
Click archives for directory of past shows.
Health Tips of the Week
- The heart benefits of reduced salt intake are on par with the benefits of reductions in tobacco use, obesity, and cholesterol levels.
- Research shows that men and women who start exercising are happier about their body image even when they don’t lose weight.
- If you got curves: Extra padding in the hips, buttocks and thighs is healthy and protects against heart and metabolic problems, according to British researchers as published in the International Journal of Obesity. Fat in the hips mops up harmful fatty acids and contains an anti-inflammatory agent that stops arteries from clogging.
- Regularly practicing yoga exercises may lower a number of compounds in the blood and reduce the level of inflammation that normally rises because of both normal aging and stress, a new study has shown.
- Sleeping on your stomach can strain your neck.
- When children play during recess, then eat lunch, there is a higher consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk and better classroom behavior. This change is scheduling is working in many schools.
- Older women who strength train for an hour twice a week had improved cognitive function.
- Doctors take a one-size-fits all approach when prescribing medicine to adults. According to the Lancet, dosages of antibiotics should be based on a patient’s size with higher dosages for heavier patients.
- People who experience memory loss or a decline in their thinking abilities may be at higher risk of stroke, regardless of whether they have been diagnosed with dementia, according to a new study published in the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
- Antioxidants are largely thought to produce better health, but studies have shown that antioxidants can actually suppress key signaling mechanisms that are necessary for muscles to function effectively. There needs to be a balance. The take home message is, don’t overload on antioxidants – too much of a good thing.
- Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science have found that two antibiotics working together might be more effective in fighting deadly staph infections than either drug on its own.
Article of the Week Unhappy Valentine’s Day?
How ironic that Valentine’s Day which is supposed to inspire romantic love stresses people out. First, there are the single people who feel less than… Second there are those who have recently broken up or divorced. Third there are those who feel pressured to prematurely propel their relationship to the next level to meet Valentine’s Day criteria. Fourth there are those who are spooked by the symbolism of Valentine’s Day and break up a budding relationship. Fifth there are many committed people who are disappointed with their gifts/experiences and feel angry: “This last minute cheap box of chocolates - is this what he thinks of me?” “No rose petals on the bed?” “Not tonight, I have a headache.”
Good News
Romance need not be obligatory or costly. It does not even require a partner.more