Debbie Mandel’s
Turn On Your Inner Light
Weekly Wellness Newsletter
May 29, 2005

Affirmation of the Week
The world is round
and the place which may seem like the end
is also the beginning.

Weekly Wellness Radio Show

The Turn On your Inner Light Radio Show airs Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 7:30pm, on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island. Listeners outside the Long Island area can listen to the show live by going to WGBB Live. The shows are archived for your listening pleasure.

Guest of the Week - Dotsie Bregel

On May 31, 2005 - Dotsie Bregel, creator of We’ll hear about the powerful impact of baby boomers.

Health Tips of the Week

  • People who suffer from cough and breathlessness may be victims of hot tub lung. Symptoms are: fatigue, dangerously low oxygen levels, shortness of breath, persistent cough and are often mistaken for bronchitis or asthma. Doctors usually don’t ask their patients if they used a hot tub; well, maybe they should! Poorly filtered or disinfected hot tubs carry this particular bacterium in their hot bubbles and mist.
  • Researchers say that there is no evidence of an increased cancer risk among hair dye users.
  • A new study shows that the fruity aroma of pink grapefruit can shave off 6 years from a woman's appearance – sure beats botox!
  • Taking aspirin daily appears to fight a recurrence of colon cancer and prevent polyps from turning cancerous. It’s doesn’t matter if you take a baby aspirin or an adult tablet, rather that you take it regularly.
  • A new approach to heart disease uses the mind to affect the body. Harvard MDs claim that our emotions and moods influence heart health. Such factors as: depression, chronic stress, anger and loneliness can cause or influence heart disease treatment. It’s time to regulate our emotions!
  • And it’s time to say good bye to Vitamin E because it won’t protect you from a heart attack or stroke. You will do better by eating foods rich in E like: almonds, peanuts, spinach, sunflower seeds, tomato sauce, sweet potatoes, red and green peppers.

Article of the Week -
When Other Diets Fail Try the Low-Fad Diet

The common wisdom is that for a diet to succeed it has to have sex appeal. That means the air-brushed after-pictures have to show scantily clad, starry-eyed, smiling participants or the diet has to be associated with a celebrity or a beautiful, trendy locale like South Beach. Some diets feature body parts that are associated with sexiness and physical prowess in the bedroom like The Abs Diet. At minimum a diet has to be radical claiming that one or two foods eaten at specific intervals will catapult our metabolism into overdrive and dissolve fat deposits in specific places. In that light can a common sense, balanced diet combined with a fitness program where we have to move-to-lose stand a chance?

There are a few basic scenarios that motivate us to lose weight and ironically set us up for failure: a high school reunion, a health-related warning, an affair like a wedding or Bar Mitzvah, or the other kind of affair. Startled by the sudden need, we pressure ourselves to lose weight rapidly and never give ourselves enough time to prepare. The deadline increases our stress levels which cause us to eat in the closet, or binge eat in the middle of the night after a whole day of deprivation, creating havoc with our metabolism. Instead of exercising in daily moderation, we become weekend warriors and come Monday morning we can hardly walk down the stairs or get out of the car because we are in so much pain. Exercise is now forever linked with painful memories. Ultimately, we begin to believe in the genie in the supplement bottle and in late night infomercial exercise machines!

However, when the realization hits that our bodies are not changing for the better and that we are just deceiving ourselves, it is time to follow a low-fad diet. More

Frank Mikulka's Fitness Tip Of The Week
The Proper Way to Use a Leg Press

I’ve been working on my lower body to increase the muscles and give my long, thin legs some shape. I was told the leg press was a great exercise for just that. It’s kind of scary. How do I use this machine? (Janine, Hauppauge) Answer

Send your fitness question to:

Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WGBB 1240 AM in Long Island and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media.

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