Debbie Mandel's
Turn On Your Inner Light
Wellness Newsletter
August 10, 2010

Affirmation of the Week
Instead of healing what is sick,
supercharge what is healthy.

Weekly Wellness Radio Show

The Turn On your Inner Light Radio Show airs Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 7:30pm, on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island.

Aug 10, 2010 Show - Barry Petersen, a multiple Emmy-Award winner has covered wars and events that have shaped the world, works for CBS News and is the author of Jan’s Story. This is a helpful, revealing memoir about spousal caregiving for early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease.

Aug 03, 2010 Show - : Eric Maisel, PhD is a psychotherapist, creativity coach, columnist for Art Calendar Magazine and co-author of Brainstorm: Harnessing the Power of Productive Obsessions. It’s time to move forward with that percolating project.

Click archives for directory of past shows.

Health Tips of the Week

  • If college students gain weight during their first year in school, it might have a lot to do with how close they live to their campus dining halls and exercise facilities.
  • A leading expert in cardiopulmonary resuscitation says two new studies from U.S. and European researchers support the case for dropping mouth-to-mouth, or rescue breathing by bystanders and using “hands-only” chest compressions during CPR.
  • Even in better neighborhoods, parents should be wary about letting teens gather with nothing to do and with no adult supervision, a new study suggests from Ohio State University.
  • A study appearing in the August 2010 issue of Anesthesiology found that patients receiving a total hip or knee replacement in Taiwan had a higher incidence of surgical site infections (SSIs) when general anesthesia was administered for the operation than when the same procedures were performed under epidural/spinal (regional) anesthesia.
  • A review of more than 100 studies found overweight girls tend to reach puberty earlier than their peers do.
  • The logo on your designer handbag or sports car may say far more about your social status and social aspirations than the brand name itself, according to a new study from the USC Marshall School of Business, which finds that luxury brands charge more for “quieter” items with subtle logo placement and discreet appeal.
  • Moderate drinking has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. According to a new study, drinking alcohol may also ease the pain of -- and lower the risk of developing -- rheumatoid arthritis, a potentially crippling autoimmune disorder. People who don't drink alcohol are roughly four times more likely to have rheumatoid arthritis than people who have at least one drink three or more days per week, the study found.
  • People who feel insecure about their attachments to others might be at higher risk for cardiovascular problems than those who feel secure in their relationships, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association.

Article of the Week
Why Is Everyone So Annoying?

Would you describe yourself as critical like you can’t help but notice the flaws? Your negative perceptions might be due to projection. Similarly, positive comments can be self-revealing. Basically, you tend to see in others traits similar to your own which are fueled by mood. For example, you are kinder to others when you are happy.

Most things that upset your equilibrium challenge your self-worth in some way. Research conducted by Dustin Wood, assistant professor of psychology from Wake Forest explains that “Your perceptions of others reveal so much about your own personality.” Consequently, if you are mostly biased to what’s wrong as opposed to what’s right, well you can take it from there…

Change your mind

Take two steps back to see the big picture. more

My book is NOW available in Paperback
Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life

womens fitness

My book Addicted to Stress (Publisher: Jossey-Bass - An imprint of John Wiley), has just been published in Paperback and is available at bookstores everywhere.
Stress will always land on your doorstep, but you don’t have to constantly open the door. It’s time to build immunity to external pressures and cultivate an inner peace which does not depend on outside influences. Shed that endless to-do list. Leave the straight lines of your personality to enjoy the surprising detours life has waiting for you.

Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of Addicted To Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life , Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, and Changing Habits: The Caregivers' Total Workout a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WGBB 1240 AM in Long Island and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media.

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