Debbie Mandel’s
Turn On Your Inner Light
Wellness Newsletter
October 15, 2003
Affirmation of the Week
We are all down in the gutter,
except some of us are looking at the stars.
Stress Reduction Tip of the Week
Cultivate your own personal support system at home. Work on your intimate relationships to generate a feeling of well-being. Have a weekly date with your spouse. Prepare food and cook with your spouse and then dine by candle light with a glass of wine. Spend more time noticing what your spouse and children do right and affirm them for that. Take time to play with your spouse, children, grandchildren or pet. Release your impulsive inner child.
Article of the Week Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Rainbow Diet
Food of the Week - Broccoli Rabe
Your grandmother may have called it rapini. It has old world charm with modern day benefits. It is packed with vitamins A& C and other nutrients. Once found only in the Italian grocer’s it is now widely available in supermarkets. Broccoli rabe looks like broccoli, but has smaller florets. Choose bunches with small stems and tightly closed flowers. When preparing, rinse and trim a quarter of the stem. Cut stems crosswise and blanche in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then sautee in olive oil and fresh garlic for 3-5 minutes. Serve at room temperature by tossing into salads and meat sandwiches with tomatoes. Chop it up hot and stir into mashed potatoes for a healthy zip.
Announcements of the Week
- Tune into the Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show Sunday mornings at 10:30am on WLIE 540 AM in New York City. Available online live or hear past shows.
- Debbie Mandel will present a workshop Turn Stress Into Strength at Pathway’s Women’s Health on Saturday 10/25/2003 12:45–3:00 pm (RSVP 516 365-9760)