Debbie Mandel's
Turn On Your Inner Light
Wellness Newsletter
November 18, 2008

Affirmation of the Week
Are you trapped into acting
as the person everyone thinks you are?

Please join me on November 19th, 2008 as I am the featured Inspirational Luminary on is a website that provides the best inspiration daily, each day from a different Luminary from the fields of empowerment, health, business, family, loving relationships and more. You'll enjoy reading my 'Today's Brilliance', my personal 500-word text of the best things I've learned in life. The 30 minute interview with me and Gail Lynne Goodwin is amazing!

As my gift to you, just use the affliate code provided on this invitation to access the free inspiration! Please stop by, check out the site and help us inspire the world, starting with you! Thank you for your support. We greatly appreciate you!

When you register, please remember to use my referral code: EU67VXUEJX

Weekly Wellness Radio Show

The Turn On your Inner Light Radio Show airs Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 7:30pm, on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island.

Nov 18, 2008 Show - Ann Marie Borghese.When Long Island’s oldest winery was up for sale a few years ago, it caught the eye of a cosmopolitan couple from Philadelphia who can trace their own noble roots to ninth century Italy. Let’s hear how Ann Marie and Marco Borghese made these huge changes and helps others deal with stress.

Nov 11, 2008 Show - Morteza Khaleghi, Ph.D, a psychoanalyst who treats addiction, founder of Creative Care and author of Free From Addiction. According to Dr. Khaleghi addiction goes hand in hand with other psychological disorders. Learn how to take positive steps to begin the healing process.

Click archives for directory of past shows.

Health Tips of the Week

  • Saint Louis University researchers disarm the blood-brain barrier sentry that keeps a potential treatment for stroke and Alzheimer’s disease from getting into the brain
  • A groundbreaking new study shows that people who eat a lower energy dense breakfast have improved diet quality, and may have a better ability to maintain a healthy weight. Lower energy dense foods have more nutrients, higher fiber and fewer calories like whole grains, oatmeal, fruits, and vegetables.
  • A new study concludes that cell phone text messaging may be a useful tool for self-monitoring of healthy behaviors in children, and suggests novel technology may play a role in improving health for kids.
  • Work/ health promotion programs can have positive effects on employees' health and productivity—including more than a 20 percent reduction in sick leave.
  • There may be something healthy about those miserable allergy symptoms: Sneezing, coughing, tearing and itching just may help prevent cancer -- particularly colon, skin, bladder, mouth, throat, uterus and cervix, lung and gastrointestinal tract cancer, according to a new Cornell study. Apparently, allergy symptoms help us shed environmentally toxic particles which might be implicated in cancer.
  • Vitamin D supplements, taken at a dose of 400 international units per day, may not help prevent breast cancer in women after menopause, a new study shows.
  • Eating a high-fat diet during pregnancy may generate fat cravings that start in the womb and last into adulthood.
  • A new study indicates that Seasonal Affective Disorder may be linked to a genetic mutation in the eye that makes a SAD patient less sensitive to light.
  • How well young people learn and develop during their college years may be due more to the normal process of maturing rather than the college experience itself.

Article of the Week
Fending Off Family Feuds During the Festivities

This holiday season needs an emergency infusion of joy and spontaneity to counteract:
  • A falling economy
  • Election withdrawal
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • A loss of personal empowerment
  • Stress
Ideally, your social network consisting of family and friends can generate humor and joy helping to redirect your attention from what you don’t have to what you do have. However, in reality they can be rude, insensitive and as much fun as a stomach virus. When you recall past holiday get-togethers with family and friends, you often realize why you see these people only once a year.

People who push your buttons most likely know you quite well. Sometimes it is a role you and they are locked into based on birth order or seniority. You might be forty years old, but you are still a little sister. However, sometimes it’s not them – but you and your personal stressors making you highly sensitive to criticism and even worse, making you more critical of them! Could you be goading them into behaving badly?

Then there is your spouse who is your mirror. When you are most angry with yourself, feeling stressed, depleted, unattractive, insignificant and under-accomplished, you can lash out and blame it all on your partner, the nearest and dearest recipient. After all, in your universe you are always right and everyone else is always wrong! It is time to lift the veil and perceive the pattern.

Don’t fret because I will help you deal with these difficult relationships. The first principle of stress management is preparation, the way you prepare a meal. more

Just Released Book
Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life

womens fitness

My newly released book Addicted to Stress (Publisher: Jossey-Bass - An imprint of John Wiley), is available at bookstores everywhere and for order online

  • Introduces and explains the habit forming pressure principle of stress addiction and how to cure it, creating awareness of what to do when a woman develops repetitive destructive behaviors.
  • Provides step-by-step program for self-empowerment, self-care, healthy narcissism, and renewing humor in a woman's relationships.
  • Explains the powerful, researched based relationship between food, exercise, and mood.
  • Develops indispensable strategies for accepting constructive conflicts with a spouse, partner, friend or colleague to get what she wants.
  • Shows how to jump start sexual intimacy.
  • Teaches specific techniques for reducing and eliminating stress.
  • Tells inspiring and humorous story of successful recovery from stress addiction.

Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of Addicted To Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life , Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, and Changing Habits: The Caregivers' Total Workout a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WGBB 1240 AM in Long Island and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media.

To learn more: