The Turn On Your Inner Light Course at NYU
I will be teaching a 6-session intensive course in stress-management at New York University beginning this February 6, 2007. Take charge of your mind and body.
For a class description and to register

Affirmation of the Week
Love is timeless and to prove it cover up all the clocks on your day off.
Weekly Wellness Radio Show Sponsored by Mid Island Collision 50 Years - "We Care" (516) 766-0101
The Turn On your Inner Light Radio Show airs Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 7:30pm, on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island.
Guest of the Week - John Howard Prin
Dec 05, 2006 Show - John Howard Prin, a former addict and currently a licensed alcohol and drug counselor. He is the author of Secret Keeping. Let go of the darkness to make room for openness and health.
Last week's guest: Nov 21, 2006 Show - Janet Maccaro, PhD author of A Woman’s Body Balanced by Nature. Learn how to get great health for the rest of your life.
Click archives for directory of past shows.
Health Tips of the Week
- When it comes to osteoporosis, Actonel works faster than Fosamax.
- Whole milk accomplishes the same thing as Barium sulfate when it comes to CT scans of the digestive system. So, instead of drinking that awful tasting Barium Sulfate, you might soon be able to drink whole milk instead.
- Men who yo-yo diet are more likely to get gallstones later in life. The more their weight fluctuates, the higher the risk for this painful condition.
- A new study from the University of Alabama claims that drinking green tea can reverse sun damage to skin and prevent skin cancer. However, how much green tea we need to drink is still unknown. Rich in antioxidants, green tea apparently treats internal cancers and heals skin from the inside out.
- If you’ve been sitting up straight in your chair for hours, you might be promoting chronic back pain. Best way to sit is to recline back a bit. So lean back when you sit in the office.
- A new study shows dry red wines high in tannins, like those from France and Italy, have a greater protective heart healthy benefit than less tannic wines produced in other parts of the world. The amount of tannin in a red wine depends on the winemaking methods used and Old World methods win for longevity.
The holidays intensify our longings and bring disappointments to the forefront. The nights are longer and we miss the sun physically and emotionally. Colds and the flu viruses become more contagious as we navigate crowds and spend much of our time indoors. We exercise less and eat more processed, sugary and fatty foods. We spend more money to buy affection. Loneliness intensifies. In our relationships, we become more sensitive to criticism and routine, asking ourselves, “Is this all there is?”
How fortuitous that whether we celebrate Christmas, Chanukah or Kwanza, the universal rituals of light create a source of energy and joy to inspire us to turn on our inner light. The holidays arrive in the nick of time with mystical stories of humble beginnings which conclude with bright, powerful miracles. It is a time of hope, creative solutions and inspiration. Then why do we walk around in a dark mood feeling starved for happiness when the cupboards in our kitchen are fully stocked?
Some of you will clarify although the cupboard appears to be full that a key ingredient is missing, a loved one, health, or financial security. “If only I had…” setting up a condition for happiness. This kind of self-imposed wanting can be directly attributed to feeling like a victim. Something was done to you or taken away from you and as a result you lack the power, control, confidence or the influence to heal and move on. Suffering silently won’t make you nobler either, because now you have compounded the negative experience of playing the part of the victim without a support system.
You don’t have to accomplish the impossible which is to forget your loss and your grief in order to be happy.more
Frank Mikulka's Fitness Tip Of The Week
How Much Protein Do I Need When I Exercise?
I’ve been lifting for about 9 months and have been making small, but noticeable gains. I’m confused about protein intake to meet my needs. Can you give me some information please? (Jimmy, Happauge)Answer