"Inside every individual exists a powerful capacity for managing stress and choosing optimism."
Debbie Mandel, M.A. Stress Management Expert, Author, Radio Show Host, Motivational Speaker
You Want to be Happy - Learn how to reframe negatives into positives to experience more joy as you accomplish your goals.
You Need to Shed Stress - You are sick and tired of stress driving your life. Learn how to decompress and improve your health as your energy levels soar.
You Would Like to Improve Your Relationships - Sometimes you suppress your own needs and other times you explode. Learn how to get into a natural rhythm with family, friends and co-workers to have a romance with life.
If you want to brighten your life, reduce your stress and improve your fitness and appearance, it’s time to flick the switch and turn on your inner light! Stress management expert, author and radio show host, Debbie Mandel M.A, motivates and guides you with weekly articles containing concrete strategies on how to cope, the latest health news from medical research. Listen at your convenience to Debbie's weekly radio shows with leading wellness experts which are archived on YouTube. Learn how to optimize healthy living, both mind and body. Ease on down the road; life can be fun again. Live naturally and confidently with a sense of who you are.
January 29, 2022
Wellness Newsletter
Featured Article: From Doormat to Diva in 3 Steps
See my interview on ABC's Good Morning America Now regarding Addicted to Stress
See my series of Stress Management Videos on LiveStrong.com/stress-management (Lance Armstrong's Wellness Website) and bellaonline.com where I am the Stress Management Expert.
Featured Book Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life
Debbie Mandel's book Addicted to Stress ( 9/15/ 2008, Publisher: Jossey-Bass - An imprint of John Wiley), is available for Order - Introduces and explains the habit forming pressure principle of stress addiction and how to cure it, creating awareness of what to do when a woman develops repetitive destructive behaviors.
- Provides step-by-step program for self-empowerment, self-care, healthy narcissism, and renewing humor in a woman's relationships.
- Explains the powerful, researched based relationship between food, exercise, and mood.
- Develops indispensable strategies for accepting constructive conflicts with a spouse, partner, friend or colleague to get what she wants.
- Shows how to jump start sexual intimacy.
- Teaches specific techniques for reducing and eliminating stress.
- Tells inspiring and humorous story of successful recovery from stress addiction.
Listen to Debbie Mandel discuss Addicted to Stress on Strategies for Living Podcast
Available for Order:
 Debbie Mandel's 03/28/2008 appearance on the FOX Morning Show with Mike and Juliet discussing the pitfalls of Marriage Infidelity (Click on picture to see video)
Debbie Mandel's 8/19/2007 appearance on WABC in New York as part of nationwide Stress-Free Healthy Living Tour (Click on picture to see video) |
 Debbie Mandel's 2/13/2007 appearance on the Today Show about "Living in a Non-Divorce" (Click on picture to see video)
Debbie Mandel's 2003 appearance on WABC to discuss her book Turn On Your Inner Light (Click on picture to see video) |
NPR Interviews Debbie Mandel and Dr. Bernie Siegel (12/30/06)

Listen to the National Public Radio The People's Pharmacy Show inspirational discussion with Dr. Bernie
Siegel, Sr. Peggy Tully and Debbie Mandel about changing your habits for better health and happiness.
Tune in to the TURN ON YOUR INNER LIGHT RADIO SHOW - Live and on YouTube Hosted by Debbie Mandel, the show airs every Saturday from 5:00 to 5:30 PM on WGBB 1240AM in Long Island and covers topics related to stress management and health and fitness.
Listen Live, Hear Past Shows or See Info on Future Shows
Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Mind, Body and Soul
In Turn On Your Inner Light author Debbie Mandel's warm and loving style guides the reader in discovering that personal health and fitness is a balance between earth practicality and spiritual vision. The exercises are holistic, targeting common life situations and progress as the reader advances in strength and spirit. They will guide you through techniques for natural healing, stress management, and personal anger management. Learn to read life in order to live with a sense of "who you are."
Discover How To Handle
*Burnout * Psychosomatic Pain * Addiction * *Insomnia * Romance * Fear * while you boost your health and fitness levels.
Available at:
Changing Habits: The Caregivers' Total Workout
Caregivers are bombarded with additional daily stressors which greatly undermine their ability to function as effective caregivers. Before they can overcome these demands, they need to see the whole context of life to rediscover their true identity and to fulfill their individual dreams.
Give yourself room to breathe and step into the light of creativity and empowerment. The people you care for will be better because of it!
That’s the guiding light behind my book, Changing Habits: The Caregivers’ Total Workout This is the first comprehensive health and fitness program that shows caregivers how to energize, get fit, eat right, shed stress and enjoy life. A series of small, defined changes can lead to sustainable happiness. Each chapter demonstrates how to restore balance physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Available at: