Frank Mikulka's Weekly Fitness Tip
Fitness Trends for 2008
(January 1, 2008)

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What are some of the newest trends in fitness and how do you stay motivated after Jan. 1?

Yogilaties sounds like a disease and some new fitness moves on Bosu balls look like circus acts. The trend in fitness will continue to be a three-legged chair of nutrition, strength training and cardio. By the way three-legged chairs need good balance.

The goal of fitness is survival of the fittest. Exercise prevents and manages disease. In fact, the latest research shows that many people can prevent type 2 diabetes or avoid bypass surgery and angioplasty with exercise. Why not exercise this option for good health without the side effects of medication or the risks of the surgical knife?

As a trainer for 30 years and a former Marine, I can honestly say that a good exercise regimen starts from a beginning base and then works its way up carefully according to the individual’s ability. Success becomes clearly quantifiable – “Look how much weight I can lift now,” “Look how many push-ups I can do,” or “Wow, I can do planks now.”

Trainers who want to shine or be different had better understand the biomechanics of the body. I have seen a client try to squat on a bosu ball while doing curls with 5 lb weights. The squat was compromised as her position was wrong, stressing her back and the 5lb biceps curls did nothing for the arms because they were too light. Ultimately, the client fell against another machine hitting her head. And this was her first time training!

I guarantee that clients will stay motivated for the New Year when they gradually build on their successes and do not end in failure. Old school is still new school!

Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 7:30 pm on WGBB 1240AM. Also available on