Frank Mikulka's

Weekly Fitness Tip

February 8, 2004

My twelve year old son is a little overweight and expresses an interest in losing weight and putting on some muscles. Is it dangerous for him to strength train at this age or should he wait a few years? (Mrs. C., Amityville),

It’s a great time for your son to begin exercising and get in touch with who he wants to be. I’ll keep it short and simple. Let him get a physical checkup. Once cleared, go to a gym and seek out a professional trainer who will talk to your son and together they will design an effective program that will work his body with resistance exercises targeting the muscles he will use the rest of his life. His program will most likely consist of high repetitions, controlled resistance and proper form and technique- not heavy lifting. His fitness program will enhance him mentally and physically. Great health benefits will be attained such as: controlling obesity, improved coordination and balance, greater effectiveness in school sports and prevention of future cardiovascular disease. In addition, training will give him a better self-image and more confidence.

Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Sunday morning from 10:30 to 11:00 AM on WLIE 540 AM