I train 5 days a week, sometimes for 2 or 3 hours at a clip. I think my cardio exceeds my strength training. I’m not really seeing a change in my body. Could it be I’m overtraining? What signs should I look for? (Janie, from Seaford)
With today’s emphasis on get off the couch and move, over-exercising does not get proper attention. A big problem no one wants to own up to is exercise addiction. The mindset attached to it is if I do more for longer, I will achieve my goals. A great concept, but long term it will not work. When the body is put to a lot of stress, it must on the other side of the coin, recover. Over-exercising is hard on the joints and internal organs. Remember as in all things, there must be balance. Less is more.
Some Warning Signs:
- Chronic fatigue - "I’m always tired"
- Muscle or joint soreness
- More injuries are occurring- ankle sprains, knees, shoulders, etc.
- Boredom and low motivation—same thing all the time
Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 7:30 pm on WGBB 1240AM. Also available on