Frank Mikulka's

Weekly Fitness Tip

August 1, 2004

I’m pushing 50, do the treadmill and elliptical 5 days a week, and am making a conscious effort to eat healthy. However, my body is soft and mushy. Where am I going wrong? (Sally, Ronkonkoma)

Apparently, you are keeping your weight down and burning calories. However, you have reached a plateau. It’s time to hit the steel and weight train to increase muscle tissue, increase bone density, increase metabolism and delay the overall aging process.

Weight training will burn more calories when you are active and at rest. Gradually, strive to increase the weight you lift to build more muscle. When your muscles adapt, challenge them to the next level to avoid that dreaded plateau. Change your workout regimen to stimulate them even more. Combine strength training with a balanced cardio program and balanced diet - that “50” will be looking good on you!

Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Sunday morning from 7:30 to 8:00 AM on WHLI 1100 AM. Also available on