Frank Mikulka's Weekly Fitness Tip
How to Prevent Rotator Cuff Injury
August 1, 2006

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Lately, I’ve been experiencing pain in my right shoulder. People at the gym have told me that I might have a rotator cuff injury. What exactly is it? (James T, Old Westbury)

You are not alone! It is a very common gym injury and very painful. Your rotator cuff consists of a group of four small muscles which function to secure the head of the humerous in its socket. The rotator cuff assists major muscle groups in general shoulder joint movement and if specifically trained, will improve the function and integrity of the shoulder joint. In the long term this will prevent injury due to weakness, overuse and poor training techniques.

Avoid the following exercises:

  • Behind the neck presses
  • Improper benching techniques
  • Shoulder presses behind the neck
To prevent a rotator cuff injury: Make sure to warm up the shoulder joint before your workout and follow proper execution of lifting techniques.

Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 7:30 pm on WGBB 1240AM. Also available on