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Frank Mikulka's Weekly Fitness Tip - 9/26/2004

When I’m doing pushups, my trainer always barks, “you look like you are bobbing for apples; keep your head up in a neutral position and good body alignment. Is this really true? (Jamie, Carle Place)

Your trainer is right. Alignment is crucial for body balance. When you are properly aligned, you will stay focused and take the stress off those neck muscles and upper spine. When your head hangs down, you are wasting energy which you could use for pumping out those push-ups, a total upper body workout.

Remember to space your hands shoulder distance apart. Hold in your abdominals as you maintain the natural arch in your back. Lift and lower your arms and your elbows bringing your chest towards the floor. You can do this exercise at home or on vacation using your body’s own resistance. No excuses!

Listen to Frank Mikulka’s Weekly Fitness Tips every week on Debbie Mandel’s Turn On Your Inner Light Show every Sunday morning from 7:30 to 8:00 AM on WHLI 1100 AM. Also available on