How to Jumpstart a Waning Libido
By Debbie Mandel
With great understanding George Bernard Shaw said, Youth is wasted on the young. Many of us mistakenly assume that when the wrinkles appear, the libido begins to disappear. Shaw knew better: mature love-making leads to greater pleasure! When we reach prime time, our sexuality is tantamount to our creative life force and life experience, generating both health and happiness. We can still be ignited with possibilities!
As we grow more mature, sex becomes less casual and the essential relationship is appreciated. At this time we wrestle with our identity all over again to discover that work, money, status are not as important or revitalizing as love and passion passion for anything or anyone! Romantic love becomes a perk in our lives.
So, if you find yourself less interested in your sexual nature, here are some potent aphrodisiacs to turn on your inner light:- Have sex on the brain the control center. Spark your fancy; create, orchestrate and use your 5 senses to set the stage first for you and then for the two of you. Being loving to yourself will energize you; now you are ready to love another.
- Lift weights and strength train this will increase testosterone levels for both men and women which will raise libido. Working out the larger muscle groups of the lower body will bring much needed blood to the nether regions: Squats, lunges and crunches. An added benefit is that you will have more stamina and be more physical.
- Use aromatherapy. Bear in mind that fragrance is highly individualistic, for we all have different personal associations with aroma. Discover what resonates for you. Here are the results of some scientific studies:
- Male underarm sweat contains powerful pheromones for women.
- The aroma of the candy, Good and Plenty, and cucumbers work for women.
- The aroma of lavender and pumpkin pie works for men.
- Eat a healthy balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, to reduce artery clogging cholesterol which impedes blood flow throughout the body, including the nether regions. Feeding your lover strawberries, grapes and blood oranges will make his or her heart smart, physically and emotionally.
- Manage your stress levels. When you are relaxed, you can enjoy and receive love. Learn to leave problems and tensions at the office and to let go of energy draining resentments with a simple So What?
- Change your mood with massage therapy, upbeat music or a nature walk. Activate your sense of humor and laugh uninhibitedly. Laughter is seductive.
Debbie Mandel, MA is the author of Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, a stress-reduction specialist, motivational speaker, a personal trainer and mind/body lecturer. She is the host of the weekly Turn On Your Inner Light Show on WGBB AM1240 in New York City , produces a weekly wellness newsletter, and has been featured on radio/ TV and print media. To learn more visit: